Can You Use a Family Members Sams Club Card

Sam'south Club is a warehouse club that operates on a membership-only footing, which ways you tin can only shop at a Sam's Order if yous accept a membership. Warehouse clubs like this are members-only to ensure customers get the lowest prices.

Shopping at Sam's Order can really help you lot cut a few dollars out of your spending if you play your cards right. You can go a whole lot of things such as groceries and household items for less.

Simply sometimes, it'south all the same quite the hassle to have everyone make their own Sam's Club carte just to exercise the monthly shopping. What if you, the card possessor, are busy? What if your family member has to run to your nearest Sam's Club really quickly to catch cheeses for your charcuterie lath?

Can a Family Member Employ My Sam's Club Carte du jour?

Technically, no a family member can't utilize your Sam'south club card. According to Sam'southward Society policy, the cardholder will accept to be present when making purchases at any Sam's Club. Under well-nigh circumstances, family unit members higher up 18 are not allowed to use Sam's Lodge cards nether some other family member's name.

It is unclear whether Sam's Club makes an exception for minors, merely information technology would be wise to bank check with your nearest Sam's Social club staff for clarification.

Can a Family Member Use My Sam's Club Card

Why Tin can't I Use a Family Member's Sam'due south Club Card?

The main reason Sam's Club prohibits family members, or anyone apart from the cardholder themselves, from using the carte du jour is for security reasons. It is mainly to forbid any worst-instance scenario involving identity or bill of fare theft and misuse of a membership.

Sam'due south Lodge even requires users to provide a passport-sized re-create of their own photo to be used on their Sam's Order card to match their face to their ID when shopping. Therefore, you can't get away with using someone else'south bill of fare at the counter, even if you wait really like.

What Can Family Members Practise?

The cardholding family member tin can't exist present whenever the shopping needs to be done. Family members notwithstanding live in the same household and have to shop for each other in one case in a while, so what tin can you do?

Sam's Club offers Add-On Membership, commonly used for families or businesses. A Sam's Club cardholder can add up to 8 members, while users with Plus membership can add together 16 members. Have note that even for Plus members, Add together-Ons on their card are only Club memberships and not Plus memberships.

Sam's Guild Add together-On Membership Pros and Cons

The toll for each Addition is $40. While the benefits are the same as that of a standard Club membership, that'due south quite a hefty expense. For most people, the corporeality y'all save on having an Add together-On membership instead of just having your own membership is almost zilch.

About people would also just run the risk of using a family fellow member's card at their nearest Sam'southward Society anyhow. Withal, information technology is all the same $5 saved per menu, and it is improve than nothing if the Improver cardholder shops as oft as the primary cardholder.

Another issue with the Addition organization is that membership cards cannot be used by other Add-On members. Each Add-On member has to use their own card, even in the same household.

It is a tough spot to exist in, but Sam's Club has pretty restrictive policies on their membership and use of their membership cards.

AmEx and Sam's Club

Despite all this, AmEx users can sometimes strike gold. Every at present and and then, Sam'south Club offers AmEx users a free Sam's Gild membership for a limited time. To claim this offer, make sure to check the AmEx offers section when logging in to view your card details online. Take annotation that the offering is merely limited to users that aren't already Sam'due south Lodge cardholders.

If yous're lucky, yous can claim a Sam's Lodge membership that will be valid for a year by selecting Add to Card. With that, y'all can use your AmEx bill of fare as a Sam'southward Order carte for a whole twelvemonth.


Sam's Guild membership cards are solely meant for the carte possessor and cannot exist used past anyone else. The wholesale club has several policies preventing the multiple uses of whatever membership cards, even past family unit members.

If you're lucky, yous may detect a sympathetic cashier the adjacent time you go shopping at Sam's Club, but it is also a risk to be taken.

Want to know more near Sam's Club and other memberships? Check out these articles:

  • Does Sam's Club Accept Your Film For Membership Card?
  • Does Sam'due south Club Deliver? (And Everything Worth Knowing…)
  • Is DashPass Worth It? (Cost, Benefits, + More!)

Do you have any questions near Sam'due south Society and its policies, too as anything to share virtually your own experiences at Sam'due south Club? Let usa know in the comments below!


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