Something Broke Overwatch Cant Install Again

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Careercow Jim Sterling / James "Stephanie" Sterling / James Stanton/Sexton & in memoriam TotalBiscuit (John Bain) - I Gaming Lolcow Thread

  • Thread starter José Mourinho
  • Start date
José Mourinho
  • Highlight
  • #ane

Jim Sterling and TotalBiscuit. Two names that really caught the attending of PC gamers (with them being mentioned a lot in PC gaming communities similar the PC Master Race subreddit) and they knew who they are even if they never watched a video from them. And then why they are in ane thread? Considering they have tons of similarities to the bespeak that it volition exist redundant.

ane. Jim Sterling/James Stanton/James Sexton

"And so America volition have a rambling clueless fascist for a president simply hey, at least white people finally had their voices heard *eyeroll*." - Obligatory witty Fatty Fuck remark hither

Center of attention of gaming controversy on YouTube and many sites along with being a former contributor to The Escapist and Destructoid, information technology's no secret to encounter how he got the attention of PC gaming communities. On one side, yous can see him causing damage to shitty indie game developers (e.thou. Digital Homicide, creator of Skate Human: Intense Rescue etc.), spoke out about shitty triple A game developer practices and much more.

But on the other side, in that location's a pretty interesting story and SJW twist to it.

i.1 Married woman Being PolyAmorous and Literal Cuck


This is something which most people knew near, but nonetheless needs a good wait because this is what he's notorious about present and getting mocked for. Her Twitter account is not bachelor atm but her Ask FM account is up here: (Credit to @Melchett !)

Pick quotes from the AskFM account:

tl;dr about racism

Why do then many people (even those who "support equality" and the similar) call up that racism and sexism don't exist anymore and that everyone who fights for it "merely want to be victims/oppressed for attention"? Like, I don't fifty-fifty..
Considering virtually people want to believe the world/universe/etc is just (look upwardly "just earth hypothesis/fallacy"). They feel that if life is going desperately for someone, at that place must exist something they're doing to crusade it. Factors like institutional racism or sexism are scary, because they imply that the trajectory of someone'due south life may be entirely out of their own command (or not under the control of their deity of choice).

Also, acknowledging such -isms casts their own prosperity or accomplishments in a dubious low-cal. Who wants to believe that the reason they may be better off in life isn't because they're naturally more talented or smarter or stronger, only because their "contest" is handicapped from the offset? (And allow'southward non even go into the problem with seeing every other homo existence as competition).

Finally, privileged people besides take problems, and they don't like being fabricated to feel like peradventure their problems are less of import. Particularly when you're life *doesn't* have the challenges associated with institutional sexism or racism, it's easy to become bitter nigh certain problems you take. Additionally, because they hide themselves so well, people tend to blame the wrong things. For example, if someone is having a hard time finding a job, it'due south piece of cake to lash out nearly a black guy getting a job because of affirmative action rather than understand that a black person is going to have a harder fourth dimension *in full general* getting a human foot in the door because of their blackness -- they don't care about the effort to mitigate prejudice, they just see someone getting a chore in a way that seems "preferential". The economy, or even a huge corporation, seem like "enemies" that are too intimidating to take on -- but a black man, or a specific policy? That's an easier target. It's "safer" to exist angry and rail against the disadvantaged than confronting larger, more hard adversaries.

So scared of feminists
I'chiliad legit curious: since feminism is all almost equality for everyone, why is the term "feminist"? Wouldn't the term "equalist" exist better because it describes what it really is to avoid misunderstandings and straight hateful ignorance (similar correct now tbh) or would that non brand it any improve?

Additionally, I'll say this: I retrieve people (more often than not men) debate the term and then much considering they imagine the tables turning. I think they start imagining a world where women (as a social power, non individually) care for them as poorly as patriarchy has treated women. And even so most want to merits ignorance when anyone talks about patriarchy, like it'south not real. They can merely imagine turnabout (or "revenge"), rather than a full paradigm shift. I think that's why they're afraid of he feminism label.

one.2 Being a Triggered Faggot

But of class, with his wife out of the mode, let's move on to his past notorious SJW history for us to mock at. :julay:

Jim Sterling has made a video series chosen "Best of Steam Greenlight Trailers", where he mocks some Greenlight submissions usually for their poor quality submissions. This video above however managed to trigger and lured him into the bait. The video is only a terrible submission near a poor quality game to kill the (yous guessed it, literal) faggots, and Jim sperged hard about it. Worth mentioning that the creator of the game is a fundamentalist Christian also.
Another video series he fabricated and pretty popular was "Jimquisition", where he makes rant videos about certain gaming topics, usually nearly shitty Triple A practices. One of the notorious ones shown above was him making an unfunny mock most a Expressionless or Live Xtreme 3 game not existence released into the West, and Jim got quite a lot of shit for information technology.
And for those who want to know his GamerGate drama, here'south the video in a higher place. You lot can detect more than here.

i.3 External Links

YouTube: https://world wide
He even had his own Wikipedia article:
Steam Curator:
ED Page:

ii. TotalBiscuit/John Bain

"It's become pretty clear over the concluding few months that Reddit has been infested by thoroughly malicious, racist, narrow-minded people. Tonight, America handed them victory. I have absolutely no interest in continuing to be a part of this site." - BAWWWWWW

I of Jim Sterling's buddies and known for his literal cancer state, TotalBiscuit is the other side of the same coin. Same as Jim Sterling, he makes gameplay videos and rant videos ("I Will Talk Virtually X For Y minutes"). Even though he'due south not as notorious as Jim Sterling in the GamerGate community, recent events managed to get him to lose respect every bit time passes. Trump TardRage (also known equally "Trump Supporters Practice Non Have to be Your Audition")

In a rare occurrence where TB has actually sperged harder than Jim Sterling, after the news broke out that Trump won the election, TB sperged out about how America is racist/sexist etc., ripping into his wife for voting third political party, likewise every bit leaving Reddit (lol once more, this is not the first time he has done so fyi) and fabricated it clear that in his own words:
"the fact that you by voting this man into office have put my life at even greater risk gives me every fucking right to dislike you."
And as same, this isn't the first time he left Reddit too:

Verification that this is me -

Right. See this is what happens when I try and quietly remove myself from the state of affairs, people simply make it worse and worse and worse. There'due south no winning. So plainly I should accept made a final mail service saying why I don't want to appoint on this subreddit anymore, and then hither we get.

People like y'all are the reason I dread talking to my audience on a daily ground. A long fourth dimension ago I used to love waking up, logging in and seeing what the viewers was saying, replying to their comments, doing the whole interaction matter. It was slap-up. But that was a long time ago. Now everytime I postal service a Hearthstone video I have go anxiety over the amount of horrible comments information technology will get. It keeps me awake at nighttime. I barely play the game now because of information technology. I used to play it for hours a day, now I only play information technology for videos, maybe an hour or two a week at nearly. I guess I've associated what was in one case a fun activeness with constant complaining. Everytime I brand a fault I don't vanquish myself up well-nigh information technology because I made a error, I practice information technology because I only gave people some other avenue to complain and say things like "It was painful to watch" or "information technology was cringeworthy". I've heard then much of it I'm rolling in self-dubiousness and the only reason I keep that series up is considering information technology pays well now. It used to be through passion for the game but the audience killed that.

Merely information technology'due south not just that. It's when the audience stomps on my principles. I think that'south what hurts the most. I fabricated a career out of trying to protect my audience from bad purchases. It's hardly saintly, its however just videogames on the internet, but whats a picayune light entertainment/info for you lot is MY LIFE. That's what I become up for every day now, that'south what I alive for. I work that chore half dozen-vii days a week and I practice it because I believe what I'k doing is helping, that it's making gaming better even if information technology'southward just a little. Ignoring your blatant misrepresentation for a second, when you say something like "It's not the devs mistake at that place's bugs", or you go after me because I don't support early on access and I want to be consumer-commencement, dev second, that isn't just a debate point, you lot're attacking the principles that are at the core of my mean solar day to day life. This sounds really dramatic but this is my life, this is ALL I DO. I just exist to do this right now.

I've read so many people with their "communication", oh... you should get a thicker skin! You should just ignore it! Those people take no idea of the book of it all, or how constant information technology is, information technology never stops, information technology'due south twenty-four hours in day out 24/seven, no end in sight noise. So many people talking at in one case... Information technology's death by a yard cuts. That thick skin isn't invincible, occassionally it buckles and when it does I tend to react badly. I'm not sure y'all really understand but how fucked up I am. My hair is going grey, not to mention it'due south falling out. Yeah, my hair is grey at 29. Great right? I'm pretty certain I have chronic health problems that have been made far worse past stress. I'grand even worried i of them might be life-threatening and I'k getting really paranoid about information technology. I fucking consume because I'grand pitiful or angry or whatever, I have days where what should be a dream job is something I don't even want to call back about doing. I'thousand seriously fucked in the head and I take been for a very long time. I CANNOT stop reading feedback. I can't just leave comments. I gave my Twitter to my staff months agone to try and stop me from reading it, which actually worked surprisingly. Turning off Youtube comments was cracking and for a while the subreddit was minor enough and friendly enough that I could actually handle dealing with it. Now I dread reading information technology every morning and I CAN'T End MYSELF. God how many times have I tried to "become better?" over the last few years? Every time it'due south fucking failed, every time and I detest myself for it.

Merely exercise you know how much it hurts to read stuff like this? That I call back my audience is irrelevant? I live for my audience. I put myself on the line for my audience. Right at present my livelihood is nether threat because I said what needed to be said to brand sure my audience stayed informed. I give everything I've got on a daily ground to attempt and brand my audience happy. Then imagine how I feel when they lash out at me. Yeah, you're right, I should handle information technology better, just I can't. I mentally cannot, I'm a mentally cleaved person who likely can never be fixed. I hate myself everytime for that, way more than you lot could ever detest me for the things I say here. I kinda hoped that some people would realize when I did that piece on the Flappy Bird dev that there was more than than a bit of my own personal issues in there. When I asked people to understand what information technology'south like to become a bunch of attention y'all're not equipped to deal with that maybe a few people would realise just that's my fault, I should take just come right out and said it. I'grand in a bad identify physically, emotionally and mentally. I am not equipped to bargain with my audience right now and frankly I should have deleted my business relationship weeks agone and then I can effort to recover and non accept individual viewers bear the brunt of that process.

You are non clean-living but you are not the root of the problem either. Understand what it is you do to the people you apparently like. Everyone you like feels this mode to a greater or lesser degree. Some people handle information technology amend than others. I handle information technology terribly. I probably e'er will, so it'due south all-time I do what others in my position practise and put a wall between the audience and myself to foreclose further impairment being washed to both.

I've always been a believer that professionalism and worth speaks through your actions not your words. So I'm going to have away my words for a while so there's aught else to drown out my deportment.

Lamentable if you expect a better person behind your daily videos. What you've got is a fucked up, sad, balding, overweight guy who is expert at one thing and is lucky enough to do it for a living. I guess things were improve when it was possible to maintain the illusion, but these days people demand unprecedented levels of access to the people they sentinel and this is what it gets them. Deplorable y'all don't similar what you run into behind the curtain

Scary. But is that enough for him to be mocked at? Absolutely not considering there's more than.

2.ii The Framerate Law

In case you don't know, the term "60FPS" is much preferred among PC gaming communities equally they dislike PC games having to be locked under 30FPS or much lower (which is rightfully then) To add salt to the wound, an Ubisoft engineer is besides getting mocked for proverb how "30FPS is a cinematic experience".

So what's the solution for this terrible framerate catastrophe? Well, TB decided to make a Steam Curator dedicated to catalogue Steam games which are non 60FPS. Sounds a very good idea on newspaper, but a total look shows how stupid the idea is:

Yes, be sure to add some point and click adventure games into the list forth with a few free games considering framerates which are not 60FPS on them are serious fucking business organisation.

Needless to say, the catalogue edifice slowed downwards and last activity was 2 months ago.

two.3 Misc Shit, Considering Even Then That's Not Enough

https://world wide
TB being salty and angry in a stream and went ban-happy.

I tuned in this stream for a moment and one of the get-go things i heard besides TB blaming his team and bitching most overtime and how much it sucked (heed its the same exact system that tf2 uses and no one has problems with iirc) was him going off about how he wasnt going to play more warframe because the subreddit are fucking idiots.

I turned it off, the echochamber that followed that was too much for me.

Wasn't hard for me to notice the trouble. TB is extremely big-headed in this video, "don't play with 3 tanks" (himself a tank), "healer, stop dying" (charging in 1v3+ and dies) and and then on. It'due south basicly TB telling anybody what they do wrong while doing stuipd moves on his own at the same time.


Being salty about non-Koreans that play StarCraft 2:
Internet Sissy Fight Against MovieBob

How dare KotakuInAction make fun of my friend Jim Sterling!


2.4 External Links

Unofficial Subreddit:
Official Subreddit:
ED Folio:

3. Similarities Between Jim Sterling and TotalBiscuit

Now that the curtains are closed, perhaps nosotros can conclude this past seeing how similar they are on the same coin.

  • Both are male.
  • Both are fat.
  • Both are British.
  • Both mainly game on the PC.
  • Both are married (difference is Jim being a cuck while TB isn't... yet)
  • Both speak out about WTFU.
  • Both were blacklisted by game publishers for review copies before.
  • Both have their own subreddits with them posting on the subreddits (except for TB because he left Reddit again but wait a return again)
  • Both have their own YouTube channels where they made rant videos, gameplay videos and much more.
  • Both sperged out well-nigh Trump winning the election.
  • Both were notorious among GamerGate communities (although Jim is definitely more notorious, however TotalBiscuit is slowly earthworks his grave over)
  • Both accept their own Twitter accounts and they sperged on them.
  • Both spoke about the Digital Homicide incident (although Jim was a master victim of the result, just considering TB is a friend of his it doesn't matter)
  • Both brought up near framerate bug in video games.
  • Both accept huge egos ("Give thanks God for Me!" vs "High IQ")
  • Both disabled comments in their YT videos (even though TB does that for most of his videos compared with Jim).
  • Both go involved in podcasts and other YouTube gameplay videos.
  • Both whined about "getting a thicker skin".
  • (And much more, only you get the thought lol)
Last edited:
Replicant Sasquatch
  • Highlight
  • #ii
I idea TB was supposed to take died like two years agone.
Kiras left nipple
  • #4
jim sterlings from erith.

ive been there. explains a lot.

TotalB videos send me to sleep, he seems to relish making out with his own IQ

I like pat the NES punk then wtf exercise i know...

Intelligent Calcium
  • Highlight
  • #five
Sterling used to exist a pretty vicious anti-feminist. I'm surprised this tweet is still up, considering his current image, wonder what else is still there. 2016-11-21 20-49-31.png
Elwood P. Dowd
  • #vii
I accept no thought how total biscuit is so popular on reddit, outside of specs and performance his commentary is extremely vapid and casual, he doesn't actually finishes about games he reviews notwithstanding he acts condenscending and smart and "leaves the internet" every fourth dimension someone disagrees with him. It'due south pretty fun.

Cant look to come across his next video:

I volition now talk most my kiwifarms thread for just over 48 minutes.

-30 fps lock.
-No options menu.
-They didn't send me a free Sonichu re-create for reviewing.



I know you can read MY thoughts, boy
  • Highlight
  • #8
Jim Sterling is and then retarded he moved from Europe to Mississippi. Mississippi. The last fourth dimension anyone did that was to start a cotton fiber plantation in the 1800's.
  • #nine
Why does TB e'er talk then fucking much
I tried watching his videos or reading his shit many times. Never could. Nobody could force me to. Maybe at gunpoint. This Framerate Police vid embedded hither is the shortest I've seen from him and I could just handle like 6 minutes, absorbing about as much information equally could exist said in 2. Dude must simply love hearing himself speak
Fall Gelb

Fall Gelb

I told you - LEFT to Paris, Right to Calais...
  • #10
Never heard of either of these two gents, but asking an entire nation to get fuck itself on Twitter is ever skilful for a chuckle.
Ginger Piglet
  • #11
Hmmm. I think of the two, not being on either side of the whole Gamergate autism and having watched a lot of their videos, both can be very informative and provide quality reviews, nonetheless, they're both drama llamas par excellence.

I think of the two it seems that Jim Sterling is less annoying and probably slightly more palatable to be effectually in person. John Bain comes over as an up-himself arrogant fuck who Actually loves the sound of his own voice and if you disagreed with him on anything you'd never hear the last of it. But Jim Sterling refusing to say "tranny" even in a quotation kinda smelt of virtue signalling to me.

I'd have thought that being blacklisted by a publisher is probably a positive though; Amiga Power always used to take to buy review copies of stuff, and their reviews were often genuinely informative rather than but recycled press releases and they were not exceptionally threatened with lolsuits past butthurt publishers.

  • #12
Jim Sterling is the simply 1 I'm really familiar with, and he's just that piggy fat guy from high school who built upwards a big former wall of snark to try and offset his ugliness and depression T - but difference is this one has a Youtube account and isn't just "the funny guy" working late shifts at Circle K.

That Jimquisition outfit? Jesus christ. We should've never let video games get "absurd", it emboldened society'due south lamest people.

  • #13
Lets not forget Jims podcast tranny sidekick Laura G Buzz^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Whos hobbies include beingness pretend lesbians with a retard (who lolcow Andy Dobson bone desperate to bang) and making up stories about harrasment by microsoft reps.
Together with Jim their boilerplate podcast involves talking about how progressive tgey both are, hating konami and microsoft and crying about the country of the triple A games manufacture.
  • #xiv
jim sterlings from erith.

ive been at that place. explains a lot.

Erith, as in most Dartford? Much becomes clear.
Batman VS Tony Danza
  • #xv
Nosotros should've never let video games become "cool"

I know, right?

brb my mom is beingness a bitch and won't empty my piss jugs

Kiras left nipple
  • #16
Erith, as in most Dartford? Much becomes clear.

Yup only past crayford, and the gates of hell....
Randy Lahey
  • #17
Why does TB always talk then fucking much
considering he waxes his carrot to the audio of his fruitbowl voice
  • #18
Yup but past crayford, and the gates of hell....
Ah, Crayford. The devil'southward very ain anal fissure.
Assorted Nuts
  • #19
I don't really become why these demand to be the same thread. Non really familiar with TB, but I know in that location's enough material on Jim for his own thread. Just sayin', non every fatty English language fuck is exactly the same.
  • Tags
    autistic cancer communist cuck dead faggot fatty gamergate gaymers non-binary reviewer rip terminally sick tranny troon video games
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  • Lolcow Cults
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